Thursday, 29 December 2011

How to Overcome Anxiety?

How To Overcome Anxiety
Almost all people suffer from anxiety. The only difference lies on the how people manage it. Some people prefer giving into it while other people are determined to overcome it.

A key in treating anxiety is to determine its degree. Usually, serious forms of anxiety are those which require proper medical attention coming from health experts as well as psychologist.

Meanwhile, people suffering from slight cases of anxiety do not need to seek medical treatment. All they need to do is to overcome it. Overcoming anxiety is done in the following ways:

1. Always control your thoughts
As they always say, the mind should prevail over matter. People who cannot control their thoughts are usually those who suffer from anxiety. The more the person thinks of negative ideas, the more that his or her anxiety strengthens. It is therefore very important for a person to learn how to control his or her own thoughts. Removing any form of pessimism in the body is always a good start.

2. Learn how to control your feelings
Emotionally unstable people are also susceptible from suffering anxiety. In order to prevent this, a person must learn how to control his or her feelings and emotions. To do this, it is advisable to find a thing, a hobby or a sport that will serve as your emotional outlet. 

3. Be Optimistic
Always look at the bright side of life. Every time you experience a setback in your life, think of what you have gained from that experience and not what you have lost from it. Doing this not only reduces your anxiety, it also puts you on the right track.

4. Keep yourself busy all the time
People who experience anxiety are usually those who lack any kind of mental activity and exercise. Thus, it is very important to keep yourself busy all the time. By doing this, your attention will be diverted away from any problems or sorrows that you are currently experiencing.

5. Laugh whenever there is a reason to laugh
People always say that “Laughter is the best medicine.” Keeping oneself happy and gay all the time will create positive vibes in the mind of the person.

6. Find a friend that you can talk to
As much as possible, a person suffering from anxiety must share his struggles and problems to people who would understand the situation where he is in. By doing this, then the burden being felt by the person would at least be lessened.

Click Here To Learn More About How To Overcome Anxiety

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

How To Control Panic Attacks And Anxiety During Public Speaking

Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Thank you for approaching this article. I am believe that you are here looking for information regarding anxiety during public speaking. In this article, there are mainly consists of some things that you really need to know which is cause of panic or anxiety during public speaking, how to overcome the anxiety, and also the conclusion of the article regarding anxiety and public speaking.
Let begin, many people among us will feel uncomfortable when they know they have to give some speech for event such as wedding event, debate even for funeral and so on. This will occur especially for those who never give speech before. Public speaking is already difficult for you but it more difficult if you are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. It can be a source of worry weeks before you are even due to speak. Don't worry, you not alone. Most people like you, get nervous before speaking in front of people so don't worry. We need to learn how to harness this nervousness and use it to benefit the speech rather than let it cause a panic attack.
How to overcome this problem? What we need to do is we have to build back your confidence level. Firstly talk to yourself it is not dangerous to get up and talk in public. They (audience) have their nose and you also have it. No person from the audience will attack you. Your clothes will all not suddenly fall off leaving you naked. So do not think about audience, or sometime you can assume nobody will see you. Just talk and talk. I'm interested with the slogan of Nike, "Just Do It"..You can use this slogan before give your speech and during the speech. Just do it or just talk. Don't think about anything else.
Some people use this method to deal with anxiety during public speaking. When you on stage or in front of your audience, you can ask them was the lighting ok for them, or did my microphone work ok, ask them if it was not too loud or could they see you properly. It looking  simple but it work. You can feel better and can reduce your anxiety or uncomfortable feeling toward them.
Last but not least of course you have to do some preparation before going to public speech. Prepare with your text, what you are going to talk. Do some research about your speech's topic. What kind of audience you are facing (their age, gender and so on). Maybe you can consider about giving some simple joke to make audience and you feel friendly and comfortable. You also have to make good preparation in your health. Try to avoid public speaking if you not feeling well. Don't eat so much before speech. When we talk about food the most important thing is try to reduce your consumption of sugar, coffee, and alcohol. This 3 kind of foods can increase your  level of anxiety and panic attacks.
Fear of public speaking and panic attacks is extremely common. Believe in yourself that you have the potential to be great at public speaking. It will take time and practice but you will be amazed how you can use the nervous energy and anxiety to fully overcome your fear of public speaking and anxiety attacks.
Do you want to know more secrets and tips regarding anxiety and panic attacks? Get your tips and secret here

Monday, 26 December 2011

How To Deal With Anxiety

Woman Dealing With Anxiety

Having to live with anxiety can be very debilitating. Someone who has experienced panic attacks knows better than a few minutes to an hour of torture may be felt for someone to give up.

However, with appropriate measures, can live with the anxiety is less stressful. You can not have the disease goes away, but it will be more tolerable. It may also be able to significantly reduce episodes of panic attacks.

With therapy and medication prescribed by your doctor, the following tips can help improve your condition:

Know your stress trigger
Panic attacks do not appear out of nowhere on your own. They occur because something made them start. So to avoid episodes of panic attacks, you should know what is the cause of anxiety. Once you are able to target, you can avoid or learn to tolerate their presence.

Do not be afraid to seek medical help
People who suffer from anxiety may begin to think they are crazy. This encourages them to secrecy. In addition, having to pay a visit to a psychologist or therapist says that the pain in the wound. However, full of anxiety is not something that just disappear in time. This is a serious health problem that requires medical attention.

Find someone you can trust
Once you find a doctor, you may have to undergo therapies that are designed to improve their condition. However, it is also useful if you have other people you can trust. Find someone you can talk about your problems, worries and anxieties. It will make you feel lighter and less problems.

Learn to turn stressful thoughts
It is not always the therapist or counselor is there to listen to your concerns. So when negative thoughts come, be better if you can learn to avoid. Positive thinking his own thoughts can help you. For example, when you start to worry about short relationship with someone, start thinking to yourself: "I have other friends who are always there for me" or "this person is not worth at all. "

Take care of your physical health
The link between physical and mental health has long been established. With poorer nutrition, less sleep and less physical activity, your body may experience chemical imbalances in the natural. This can exacerbate anxiety. Therefore, you must take good care of your health.

Click here to learn more about dealing with anxiety

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Become an Extrovert: Social Anxiety Help!

Social Anxiety
With the complexity of the human personality, you should not assume that a specific person can be found quickly in a social situation. If you wonder why, the answer is simple: in terms of sociability, people are divided into two types - extroverts and introverts. Extroverts are people who do well in social situations, while introverts are the opposite. Being an introvert, it is difficult, so this discussion will focus on helping social anxiety.

Why some people are shy?
There are no fixed answers to decide why a specific person is shy. Instead, the possibilities are offered to explain why a person is shy, possible hereditary traits are transmitted to a person of "timid" for parents. Another possible cause is the "spotlight effect" or the belief that people see more of what went wrong.

Usually have few social skills to interact is normal. But when a poor person social interaction is gradually developing into a full retreat, trying to seek advice.

Wellness Councils of anxiety.
If you are really concerned about any social situation, following some of these guidelines may help you feel comfortable with people from being another.

1. Understand why it is social anxiety. It is a grain? Are you shy because of a physical defect? Fear of saying something that might not make sense? Note the source of your anxiety and start accepting them without reservation.

2. If you meet the reflector end, always remember that people are worried about their own lives. Do not you watch.

3. Start your makeover as a sociable person to be with small groups of people. These people should be someone who shares the same interests as you, so you feel comfortable would be faster. From there, slowly try to appeal to large social gatherings.

4. By focusing on real people, not the crowd. A person with social anxiety usually overwhelmed by the crowd. But if you see people who do not worry about the crowds and you realize that people are monitoring their own business, which gradually do the same.

5. Talk to a mirror. This will give you more confidence.

6. Anticipatory anxiety can cause self-consciousness. Do not be shy, even before you get a crowd. Anticipating that he was afraid of his mind the prerequisites for a specific status.

7. Always relax. People who do not respond well to social situations are very anxious, so if you relax, a more proactive approach would better respond to social situations.

Discover 5 Proven and Tested Panic Attacks Treatment

Having to suffer panic attacks for a few minutes to one hour can be a real torture. Only those who lived it can not know the torment inexplicable. But even as a relief for them, it is reassuring to know that medicine has few options tested and proven for the treatment of panic attacks.

To expand its range of options you can discuss with your doctor or therapist, here is a list of five treatment methods proven effective and are used to alleviate or treat panic attacks:

Drugs against anxiety

Many experts agree that the therapy remains the best method to cure panic attacks. However, during the treatment phase, will that drugs can temporarily relieve undesirable symptoms. Drugs commonly prescribed by doctors include antidepressants, beta blockers, and tranquilizers. Benzodiazepines, for example, is widely used anti-anxiety drugs. Just make sure you have the proper prescription and guidance to take these medications.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

The beauty of this method is that it delves into the problem and corrects it. Cognitive behavioral therapy works by creating a healthy mind-emotion relationship. By learning to "respond" to think in a positive way, especially the negative thoughts, long-term improvements can be expected. This is the difference between the anti-anxiety drugs may provide only temporary relief.

The hypnotic treatment

Hypnosis is another form of psychotherapy that has shown significant results in improving the condition of the victims of the panic attack. Under hypnosis, a therapist can attract more thoughts and emotions of a patient, making it easier to determine the underlying cause of the problem. Also during this state, the therapist can implant suggestions for the patient to turn negative thoughts into positive thoughts.


In the treatment of panic attacks, the acupuncturist works to restore balance and proper functioning of the three internal organs: heart, spleen and kidneys. This is consistent with the idea of ​​Western medicine that panic attacks can also result from imbalances in body chemistry. The relaxing effect of acupuncture can significantly reduce the panic attack victims.

Home Treatment

Because the victims of panic attacks have the most fear, anxiety and stress, which will, if it is surrounded by family and friends who are always ready to support. This will give the patient a sense of security. Studies show that the mutual support of the family can help in many types of psychological problems.

Now that you have an idea about the different forms of panic attacks can be treated, you will be able to better analyze your options with your doctor. Just open your mind to other options that your doctor may suggest.

Click Here To Learn More About Panic Away

Dealing With Panic Attacks: 5 Mistakes You Should Never Make

An episode of panic attack can be a very traumatic experience. In fact, the status of victims of this disorder can become worse, simply because of fear or anticipation of the next episode of panic attack.

Panic attacks successfully treated includes knowledge of appropriate action. This also includes how to avoid bad things. However, medical myths and unfounded allegations circulating on the web, it is often easy for a person to deal with panic attacks without it.

So to avoid the risk of aggravation of the situation, here is a list of five things that victims of panic attack should never do:


Do you think they can cure panic attacks by yourself? Wrong! If you have already heard stories of success, is likely to be only one case Benin. It is also likely that only a simple case of stress confused with another. If a person is experiencing episodes of panic attacks, calling the only medical care. Get professional help is important.

Forget to board

Some people think that panic disorder is something that can disappear with time. Wrong again. On the contrary, in fact, may worsen over time if not given proper medical care. As soon as possible, panic disorder requiring treatment. This is especially true if the disorder is caused by a hormonal imbalance and chemical activity. Oblivion will not get your body back to its healthy chemistry.

Keep a secret

Because of their nature and the anxiety and panic attacks are often described as "a mental or psychological, a victim may begin to think you're crazy. This encourages them to hide their problem and refrain from seeking help. You should avoid this type of thinking. Many people who seek the help of psychologists and psychiatrists are neither crazy nor psychotic. Some of them are simply asking for advice.


Another way of thinking is dangerous denial. Seeing himself as a healthy person impervious to disease, you can not even imagine having something like panic attacks. But even if you may be wrong, you should consult a health care professional in the field. You better be safe than sorry.

Cutting Medication

Drugs used to relieve anxiety and panic disorder are already loaded with many possible side effects. If you abuse, the effects could be fatal. But the abuse, not only include more of the dose. Because some people may begin to feel better after a few days of medication, can stop taking the drugs. Your doctor is the one who can suggest to stop the treatment ..

Click Here To Learn More About Panic Attacks

Do You Fear the Arrival of Another Panic Attack?

Panic Attack
Do You Fear the Arrival of Another Panic Attack?

People who have suffered from panic attacks often walk with a severe sense of discomfort at any time, you will experience a major panic attack.
It is a fear of a panic attack that grows ultimately end at the tip.
This leads people to make changes in their behavior to do nothing that could trigger an episode of panic.
When people feel that way, simple everyday tasks can become great challenges. Some people start to fear drive your car in traffic. Others are afraid to leave their safety zone, or simply any situation where you have the responsibility to perform.

This state of fear that a person maintains the high level of anxiety, leading to a feeling of general anxiety.
If you are a person who I hope will put your mind at rest. Panic attacks and general anxiety (even when not accompanied by panic disorder) can be eliminated in easy steps, regardless of the duration of the anxiety was a problem.

I'm not just talking from personal experience, but having worked with thousands of people worldwide.
This is an important observation:
The main difference between someone who is cured of panic attacks and not really very simple. Healing is not afraid of panic attacks. I will try to show how one of those people too.
What if I told you the trick to end panic attacks is to want to have one!

This seems strange, but let me explain.
A simple trick to end panic attacks is wanting to have one, but how can an immediate release of anticipatory fear.
Can you have a panic attack right now?
You know the saying "what you resist persists." Well, to say that it applies perfectly to fear. If you resist a situation out of fear, the fear around that issue will continue.
How can you not resist?
You move directly in the path of anxiety, to do what they can not continue, because the process of fear with their emotions.
Essentially what this means is that if you deliberately seek a panic attack does not have.
Try now for a panic attack and I bet you can not ... Yes, I know the idea of ​​using a panic attack is scary at first, but playing with the concept and see what happens.
Not realize it, but always decided to panic. A decision by thinking
"It's beyond my control."
"These feelings are beyond the control of agencies my fear."
It can be useful if you fancy a panic attack is like being on the edge of a cliff.
Anxiety, apparently, is closer to push you down. Every time I struggle with poor coping strategies more desperate you feel.

To get rid of the fear that must metaphorically jump. You must jump off the cliff and anxiety and fear and all the things they most fear. How can you jump?
You jump by wanting to have a panic attack. You go about your day asking for a panic attack occur. Your real security is the fact that a panic attack will not hurt you. It's a medical fact.
You are safe, "Yes, the sensations are wild and uncomfortable, but will not hurt you.
Your body is in a heightened state, but will not hurt you.
The jump becomes nothing more than a drop of two inches! You are safe.
Always have been.
Think of all the panic attacks he has had to date and at the other end. Permanent physical damage occurred to you, other than the mounting feeling of panic?
Will now address this issue differently. Actively seeking the attack as an adventurer. Taking the opposite approach.
You bring it on!

To learn more about Panic Away visit: Here(Click Here)

Some of the things you learn in Panic Away ...
-Learn to be independent and gain confidence by engaging a simple technique to defuse any panic attack.
-The four most powerful methods to create a buffer zone of permanent anxiety (especially useful for those who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder).
-Learn to avoid making a mistake almost everyone makes during an episode of panic attack.

7 Common Physical Symptoms of Panic Attacks

Physical Symptoms of Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are the result of mental and psychological. A common cause of severe anxiety. However, because the symptoms are manifested physically, can be confused with other illnesses such as heart attack. In this article, you will find the symptoms of panic attacks that can occur with an adult or adolescent.

Racing palpitations

Symptoms of panic attacks can mimic the natural reaction to fear of the human body. This is because panic attacks are often accompanied by irrational fear and the source of which is often unrealistic (eg, fear of death threats imagined). This results in increased adrenaline rushed and palpitations. If rapid heartbeat is accompanied by anxiety and fear, most likely a panic attack.

Difficulty in breathing

Another common reaction of all panic attacks is tightening of the chest cavity, making breathing difficult. The person may be viewed air. You may also be accompanied by a feeling of being stifled. This can be easily confused with respiratory problems.

Trembling due to irrational fear

Shaking, trembling and gnashing of teeth may also be symptoms of a panic attack. These physical reactions can be particularly evident when the person is to imagine the fear of something. The anticipation that something will come to fear and can power the limit of the motor control of a person. Management of the spoon correctly, for example, it will be difficult.

Feeling light-bodied and detached

The person may also feel the full weight of his body has disappeared. This feeling may be similar to the feeling of someone who just woke up from surgery and is still affected by anesthesia and sleep medications. The patient may also experience the feeling of being separated from the physical world.

Heavy sweating

Fear can often result in a cold sweat. And panic attacks is no different. Even if the weather is generally cold or room has air conditioning, the incidence of panic attack can cause a person to sweat heavily. If sweating is the result of anxiety or fear of something, probably a panic attack.

Numb body parts

Because the feeling of detachment and loss of psychomotor control a person with panic attacks and not to feel the fingers, arms or legs. This numbness can do simple tasks like standing difficult.

Fear of dying

If you hear the person who complains about the fear of death when there is no reason to believe that we can say that the person is experiencing fear imagined or hallucinated. This is very common among people who suffer from panic attacks.

Knowing these symptoms from the heart, it is easier to isolate the panic attacks health disorders. This knowledge can be used to examine himself or to identify the problem in others.