Saturday, 24 December 2011

7 Common Physical Symptoms of Panic Attacks

Physical Symptoms of Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are the result of mental and psychological. A common cause of severe anxiety. However, because the symptoms are manifested physically, can be confused with other illnesses such as heart attack. In this article, you will find the symptoms of panic attacks that can occur with an adult or adolescent.

Racing palpitations

Symptoms of panic attacks can mimic the natural reaction to fear of the human body. This is because panic attacks are often accompanied by irrational fear and the source of which is often unrealistic (eg, fear of death threats imagined). This results in increased adrenaline rushed and palpitations. If rapid heartbeat is accompanied by anxiety and fear, most likely a panic attack.

Difficulty in breathing

Another common reaction of all panic attacks is tightening of the chest cavity, making breathing difficult. The person may be viewed air. You may also be accompanied by a feeling of being stifled. This can be easily confused with respiratory problems.

Trembling due to irrational fear

Shaking, trembling and gnashing of teeth may also be symptoms of a panic attack. These physical reactions can be particularly evident when the person is to imagine the fear of something. The anticipation that something will come to fear and can power the limit of the motor control of a person. Management of the spoon correctly, for example, it will be difficult.

Feeling light-bodied and detached

The person may also feel the full weight of his body has disappeared. This feeling may be similar to the feeling of someone who just woke up from surgery and is still affected by anesthesia and sleep medications. The patient may also experience the feeling of being separated from the physical world.

Heavy sweating

Fear can often result in a cold sweat. And panic attacks is no different. Even if the weather is generally cold or room has air conditioning, the incidence of panic attack can cause a person to sweat heavily. If sweating is the result of anxiety or fear of something, probably a panic attack.

Numb body parts

Because the feeling of detachment and loss of psychomotor control a person with panic attacks and not to feel the fingers, arms or legs. This numbness can do simple tasks like standing difficult.

Fear of dying

If you hear the person who complains about the fear of death when there is no reason to believe that we can say that the person is experiencing fear imagined or hallucinated. This is very common among people who suffer from panic attacks.

Knowing these symptoms from the heart, it is easier to isolate the panic attacks health disorders. This knowledge can be used to examine himself or to identify the problem in others.

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