Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Medications for Anxiety: What You Need To Know

Medication For Anxiety

Sufferers of anxiety can feel relieved that their doctors have options of anti-anxiety drugs which can help improve the condition of the disorder. But as with any drugs, these medications are often double edged.

Keep in mind that anxiety is a mental/psychological condition. And in medicine, drugs that are behavior-altering, or those that are used to relieve psychological disorders, often come with an undesirably long list of possible side effects.

So to avoid further frustrations thinking that anti-anxiety drugs are miracle elixirs, this article will include three important things you need to know about anxiety medications. This way, you will have the right expectations.

Side-effects can be harsher than other drugs

While it relieves some, it also causes discomfort in return – these are called side-effects. And while the side-effects of prescribed drugs are often minimal, it is often not the case with anti-anxiety drugs.

Benzodiazepines for example, a drug commonly used to treat anxiety, can result in a number of side effects including low risk of toxicity, memory impairment, and slowing of psychomotor ability. It can also result in behavioral alterations such as irritability, impulsivity, aggression, and increased excitement.

So before deciding on an anti-anxiety drug, weigh the options first by discussing it with your doctor. This will help you make a sound decision.

It should always be accompanied by therapy

Keep this one general thought in mind: anti-anxiety drugs will not cure your condition. These drugs are simply designed to provide temporary relief from the symptoms of anxiety. It makes living with the condition less stressful.

For lasting relief from anxiety, it is better to accompany intake of the drug with psychological therapies according to the suggestion of your doctor.

You may be required to regularly attend counseling sessions with your therapist. Other options may include hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback.

It does not make the underlying problem disappear

If the cause of your anxiety is a traumatic childhood experience, anti-anxiety drugs cannot undo that experience. If you are always mentally stressed because of the way your boss’ treats you, taking medications will not change your boss.

Simply put, these drugs will not cure the problem itself. So even if you keep taking anti-anxiety medications and keep attending therapy sessions, if the underlying cause is still there, your condition is likely not to improve.

Click Here To Learn More About Medication For Anxiety

1 comment:

  1. More than 40 million Americans suffer from the impacts of anxiety disorders. The particular triggers and even some of the symptoms can vary depending on the exact disorder at hand, but many patients find their ability to enjoy life is greatly sidetracked when one of these disorders is present.Linen Method Reviews
